Oyen Lodge: The Lodge welcomes a new resident this week

By Dianne Spath

Hello everyone. Well, we went from a beautiful weekend to some cool weather again. It was a great weekend for getting some yard work done. On Monday, we started our week with exercises and scrabble games in the morning. In the afternoon, we had card bingo and piano by Taylor Neilson. On Tuesday, we had our regular bus runs downtown, followed by crafts in the activity room. In the afternoon, some residents and I did some baking to sell in the bake sale on Tuesday, April 23, when Personal Touch Clothing and Avon come from 10-2. Wednesday, there was church with Catherine Holland, followed by exercises. In the afternoon, the Grade 9 class came and played some games with the residents. The residents were very entertained; some learned new card games, and some students learned how to play crib. Exercises were on Thursday morning, followed by a stix game, which is like a large Kerplunk game as I knew it as a child. It was a lot of fun. In the afternoon, we played whist, and I did not get good cards; maybe next time. The residents really enjoy their card games. Friday morning was horse races and ended the day with bingo. It was a fantastic turnout. Ralph and Marvel played music Friday evening. It is wonderful to see a new resident move in this week. We welcome Mona Belvoir to the Oyen Lodge. Have a wonderful week.




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