Oyen Briefs: “Community” is a group effort!

By Diana Walker

I will be changing my regular office date June 5 to Monday, June 3, that week only.

OOOPS: April 23 issue, page 2: middle photo cutlines should have read – “Two attendees, Victoria Munroe and Kailee Houston, entered their names into the three door prize draws. Rhonda Evens won the Bunch O’ Treats basket, Charmain Snell won the Kitchen Bundle and Lealla Broadhead won the Lemonade Summer Pack.”

I was having computer problems and sent the file before completing the text.

Editor’s Note: Diana can’t accept all of the responsibility! I was working off of my phone out of town and missed her second submission. We are trying! - Kate

Construction of the 14-bed dementia and assisted living unit is underway north of the Oyen Lodge. Watch The Oyen Echo for a new release and architectural drawing.

Community Development Strategy & Action Plan

(taken from the Town of Oyen website)

Town administration has now completed a multi-faceted project entitled ‘Building a Community Development Strategy for Oyen’ with Natalie Gibson of InnoVisions & Associates. InnoVisions is a consulting firm that specializes in helping rural communities with community and economic development.

“Our town needs a coordinated plan that helps our businesses to thrive and grow as a key part of a vibrant community” says Mayor Jones. “Our community depends on the success of our businesses to ensure a good quality of life for the residents. It is incumbent upon us to do what we can to foster their success.

The Town hosted the first of a series of ‘community café’ discussions on November 22, 2022 and the second session took place February 16, 2023 with 54 participants. These café events were an opportunity for residents, business owners, rural citizens, student families, seniors, etc. to identify existing assets in Oyen and area, then create opportunities that will provide long-term prosperity for residents and businesses alike. Session #2, working groups viewed the opportunities identified by the public through public café sessions and over 100 online surveys receive and discussed.

On April 17, 2024, the Town hosted a town hall for the final report presentation.

The public can find a printed copy of the report at the Town Office, or view the Community Development Strategy & Action Plan online https://townofoyen.com/p/town-projects.

Over 250 individuals participated during this project. You are important to this process, and you are valued!

"Community" is a group effort; your opinion, knowledge, network, and participation are needed to create the Oyen you envision.

From the discussions and feedback, four core priorities that require strategic effort to improve and develop:

1. Business Community - strive to support local businesses; focus on business retention; investment attraction; and workforce development

2. Education - Provide more education opportunities for youth and adults that lead to local employment

3. Agriculture - Increase agriculture collaboration and innovation; add more value-added products and services produced locally

4. Medical - secure additional medical services and continue to support the local hospital

During the process, council added a fifth priority..

5. Good Governance

If you are passionate about one these priorities, please reach out to the Town CAO to be added to the committee of champions and make a difference for your community!


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